STUDIOMARCOVERMEULEN inspired us with upcoming projects. Working out of Rotterdam, Marco Vermeulen has his own architecture / urban planning firm.
Waterpleinen Rotterdam is an infrastructural concept that combines two functions: public square and storm water retention. The city is in need of large holding tanks for water from the rare severe storm, but these tanks are very expensive and mono-functional. The alternative developed by Marco is a public square that fills incrementally dependant upon how much storm water runoff there is.
For the municipality of Venlo, Marco created an industrial-ecology focused master plan for an ambition new series of industrial parks. The new project is called Greenport Venlo, and is a massive building project that aims to be as green as possible. He arranged the parks into ‘clovers’ of four industries which are well suited to trading waste products. At the base of each clover, a Combined Heat-Power (CHP) plant combusts biogas to power the nearby buildings.
We were very impressed by his work and hope that we can capture his innovative spirit for the Erasmusveld workshop.
These are very interesting and inspiring examples indeed! Good to see you are excited. I am looking forward to your explorations and ideas. Keep up.