woensdag 2 september 2009

Pitch crash course

On Wednesday 26/08/09 we joined up with the AIDA group to participate in the Pitch Crash Course. It was nice to finally meet the other participants.

Machiel van Dooren was our designated pitch crash course teacher, who has quite the experience, since he already started two companies (Esteam & OCO2). In 16 “easy” steps we were guided through the world of PITCH. A good pitch is about three minutes long and addresses everything of importance about your idea. Who you are, why this idea, why it will work and what it will cost and what it will deliver (money wise and more). This is done all with one goal, and that is to convince the investors of your brilliant idea and the need for them to invest.

Then we finally had a change to pitch and hear each other ideas, it was clear that every investor would invest in our brilliant ideas. We gave each other some feedback for improvement and then it was time to EAT! We ended with a real Dutch lunch.

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