zaterdag 28 augustus 2010

Quite a long day yesterday, stretched out into the wee hours of the morning, in fact--perhaps trying to make the day last as long as possible after all. For the climax of the master-class, presentations were polished and brilliantly pitched, the ideas were concrete. Yet the jury was hung. That felt weird. The week could be described as either very long or very short; the former because Monday feels like centuries ago, and the latter because it's over now and we are going back to other businesses. In any case, farewells were hesitantly made and promises of keeping in touch doled out liberally. It has been great to make new colleagues. Learn the lesson, people, as networking is probably half of our careers, and this has been indeed a good chance to gain potential contacts, project-givers, co-workers, clients, customers, employers, or employees even. Who knows? Everyone knows someone. But beyond that, the familiar emptiness in the gut of saying "so long" to new friends was a gnawing sensation, to those brave enough to admit it. But admit it anway. Be a sniveling fool. My thanks personally, as i'm sure everyone else's, to enviu and AIDA. To Wouter and Josine and to the lovely people at the enviu office. We'll certainly see you all again. And to my colleagues, it's been brilliant to meet you all. Facebook'n!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Nice observations.
    Also don't forget De Rotterdam who have provided the facilities, the people and their time to do their share in making this week a sucess.

  2. Fair enough. I just hope they read this blog. In any case, you all know who you are! We appreciate it.

  3. Totally agree with Peter, even two days later it still 'grinds my gears', The energy is still on!
